Polly Pocquet

And there is also the fact that we are seeing what the producers have chosen to show. One hour that is covering an entire day? So if the PTB want to indicate bias it could be pretty easy to do. In the last few episodes it has appeared to me that Brooke irritates Padma, but she (Brooke) and Tom seem to have a playful

So….are you saying I have blinders on about Tom? I don't think I do. I like him! But, maybe you are right, I will watch a little closer. We have a person in our family who is a chef, and quite successful. He also says women are coming into their own in the industry.

Carla! She is the gold standard of a person who can be forgiven anything.

Maybe where it really matters women are nicer to each other? As I think about it, I can see what you mean. There are a lot of women in my life I can trust for anything. I guess I was thinking about the silly superficial things - like women will notice and be snarky about another woman's choice of clothing or

We get it. :)
You are not alone!

I honestly agree with you. However, over the seasons it has appeared that Tom favors men contestants - even if it is just the slightest bit. and Padma is very hard on the women too. Lots of people think Padma was the real reason Kristen was eliminated in her season and the public response was HUGE. Which lead a lot

You know…it is. :)

My theory is - peri-menopause.

You could tell she was really trying to hold back, but she just couldn't. You are right, on anyone else that would be hard to take, but Shirley…I mean…Shirley! - you gotta love her

Darn it all, Lydia, I'm not Tom Colicchio either. :(
Because if I were I would have kept Sylvia and Sam around a little longer and I would tell Padma to button up those boobs so TBTB can focus on the food. (another perfectly good reason to smack Padma)

I'm with you. It seems to me like Shirley allows herself a brief few moments of anxiety, then she calmly accesses where her strengths lie within the challenge and calmly goes with that. I think she is very focused and imaginative at the same time. I think Brooke is more prone to *scatter* and try to do too much.

Honestly, that is so interesting. But, as women we all know we can be very hard on each other. I wish we could find a way to universally let go of that.

And that is exactly the point. Why don't producers understand we catch on to all their manipulations and are insulted by them? Brooke may very well be the most talented chef and deserve the win, but none of us will ever believe it 100% anymore. They really have not done her any favor.

I know, right? Padma is really infatuated with her ta-tas these days. The top of that black dress looked like it was designed by a dominatrix in the back ally of a San Francisco street. And she is such a tool, did you catch her saying, "That will be all, Sheldon." in her most dismissive tone? Now, see, if she would

As soon as they showed him floundering in the supermarket I thought, - Oh,no, they are giving him the *loser edit.* Sure enough. :(

I am so sorry to see both Jim and Jamie go in one swoop. I would have been happy with a win from either one of them. I started the season in Brooke's camp, but she is really bringing some entitlement 'tude with her this time. Casey isn't far behind. So I guess I'm now hoping for Shirley or Sheldon.

Yeah. I have to agree on that one.

But, wasn't she the first one eliminated in that reunion show? I remember being very excited that she was back, thinking she had a chance to show her real skill (which got overshadowed in all the Marcel drama) - and poof - she's gone! and it even seems to me it was some weird reason…?

I wouldn't say Jamie was evil either, but I was annoyed at the way she insulted Stephan when he clearly liked her. Of course…Stephan was an ass…so there's that.

Darn it, I always liked Elia. I thought she was an amazing chef and got a bad edit. Wasn't that Marcel's first appearance? Lordy, they were all bullies that season.