I have to say you missed a real opportunity there by not making “Auf Wiedersehen” “Auf Wiederzayn”
I have to say you missed a real opportunity there by not making “Auf Wiedersehen” “Auf Wiederzayn”
How much time do you bet he spends on MRA subreddits
Kristin Stewart then went on to say, It’s like the situation in Syria. Just fix it, okay? Just do something and make it stop. And then it will. It’s so boring. Why is everything so boring. I don't care! Just like fix everything so I can go back to not caring about making any facial expressions in my movies.
I just imagine someone walking into a room, hearing muffled music and going crazy trying to figure out where its coming from.
I’m saying this totally objectively so that I don’t conflict with your views:
Don’t ever take Jezebel as a feminist empowering website. The majority of articles is about twitter feeds from rich women who only hang around black people when it’s a photo opportunity or the lastest gossip magazine updates.
This is just…
Yeah, I’ve held my tongue about this issue for the 10+ years I’ve been on this site but no more. As a second wave feminist, porn isn’t empowering, it isn’t cool and it sucks to me. Yes, it’s my personal opinion and many disagree with me. That’s fine. To those people, tell me how gang bang, choking and bukkake are…
“White people can be just as ethnic!” —that Facebook friend you hate
Someone give us a full list of categories because my imagination is running WILD rn.
Hmmmm, this is very strange. The porn industry has traditionally put the safety and wellbeing of women above all else. It’s hard to think of another billion dollar + industry that cares more about women and girls, about consent, about objectification. I am really shocked. I know that it may be hard, but perhaps…
DeVito is also a huge Bernie Sanders fan, unsurprisingly.
I appreciate that DeVito is not actually Frank from always sunny, however, I would like to know what his twin, Arnold, has to say on the subject.
The last time Jennifer Lawrence played anything other than Jennifer Lawrence was Winter’s Bone. Completely disagree that she’s good at pretending to be somebody else. Meryl Streep is ridiculously talented and her various roles/transformations are proof of that. They’re not even on the same planet.
Imagine how these fuckers would react if the Oscars didn’t honor any white people one year.
See, this is just like the time I very innocently said that I don’t like or trust Belgians and people misinterpreted what I said to somehow be anti-Belgian when all I meant is there shouldn’t be a waffle surcharge for a Brunch buffet.
Maybe they could give and honorary Oscar to the Middle Eastern cast members of 13 hours for the restraint they showed in not just yelling “this is some total propagandist bullshit right here" every time the camera was on them.
Let me get this straight. The Oscars don’t want to give rightful nominations to black people but they want them to serve the the award to the white winners to make up for it?
I always find it hilarious when MRAs find women “unfuckable” while also being involuntarily celibate.