Polly Nomial
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Okay, I’m going to share a scary story— really more of a scary fact of my life, past, present, and future, than a single story— that only about eight people on the planet know fully about, one of which is no longer with us, making the grand total seven. And now you will know, too, random internet person! I’ve created

Bob at least understands how the system works. If you want an elected official to do something, you ask them nicely, on Twitter.

It’s based on true events and set in 1969. That’s pretty much what happened. You can dislike that, but to dismiss it out of hand is ridiculous. It was a good show and really relevant still, unfortunately.

I agree; I especially liked that unlike Mad Men, the characters are not miserable and nasty to each other. You really get to see how privilege works, even amongst well-meaning people. Even the straight up misogynists are not intrinsically evil, it’s more that they don’t get it, resist change in general, or see women

I’ve really had it up to here with this year. I love this show. And it was really kind of cathartic to binge watch it recently with everything going on. Sad to see how much hasn’t changed, but inspiring to see women working for equal rights. I just feel like we really need something like this now as inspiration, but

Right, because god knows people like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are never, ever smug.

“Remember when I was a child, the five minutes of my life you decided to be a parent, you told me not to trust strangers on the internet because they didn’t always tell the truth? Remember that? Do I need to give you that same lecture?”

Ignorance is bliss. And if you don’t believe me, you haven’t seen all of the happy idiots who voted for Trump.

Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.

I saw a really great meme on Instagram but can’t find it now.

But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.

She’s Ann Coulter’s MiniMe, except instead of smelling like stale cigarette smoke and Chardonnay, she smells of Mystic Tan fumes.

Came here to say this is Ann Coulter 2.0. Another blonde troll in the making.

Because she’s a mildly attractive white woman, duh!