
Again, that is not f*cking true at all. I have family members who have died in healthcare of various ailments. I don’t for a single second distrust the FDA or CDC for the fact that medical science is imperfect.

Bull. The media hasn’t “gone easy” on Clinton. At all. They do, however, logically accept that she or Trump will be the next president of the United States. That’s not spin. That’s fact.

It sure raises the question—if the tweets were “almost identical”, why go to the effort of deleting and re-composing a new tweet?

Why would anyone do that. She won't have a spot on the debate stage regardless... Greens are not a major political party and don't have enough registered voters or past history to warent their inclusion.

At this point, she’s going to need to be unequivical in her support for vaccinces, including a statement to the fact that failing to vaccinate children is a public health risk. The science there is incontrovertable and she should treat it as such.

That she won’t says a ton. She wants it both ways.

No. Evidence is a known thing. There is no evidence. Could there be evidence in the future, sure. Now, there is none. That’s a fact.

An actual doctor running for President is pandering to anti-vaxxers for the sole purpose of reaching that 5% for federal funding of the Green Party.

I’m aware of evidence that Vaccines have nothing to do with Autism and she should be aware of them as well. See there is this Doctor who has dissected the brains of children who died with Autism and found patching of tissue brain indicative that Autism is caused by the brain not developing properly in uterus before

There have been many, many, studies conducted. There is no link. No evidence supports it, and all refutes it. Your analogy with faith is bad, because faith doesn’t require evidence. Science does. So sure, keep testing (and there are still ongoing tests), but as a doctor she should follow the evidence in the strongest

You’re right she’s not a flip flopper. She’s an opportunist. When called out on supporting the racist economically suicidal brexit she deleted evidence that she had ever supported it. It’s far worse than flip flopping.

No. There is no evidence. Period. Full stop. You’re acting like this hasn’t been studied to death since Adrew Wakefield’s fraudulent study was exposed, leading to the revocation of his medical license. Thousands of studies have been performed. Exactly none of them showed any hint of a link.