Pollyanna the merciless

With the exception of Julia Roberts, I could see any/all of the rest of them being just fine but maybe Hugh thinks they're snobby because he rubbed them the wrong way and they then made it apparent that they didn't like him. But they could also all be snobby in general, so who knows.

This sounds suspiciously like spam to me.

I caught an interview with that idiot earlier this evening. His rationale was that he’s not mad at people who thinks that confederate flag is racist because “They just don’t understand history, it’s not about black people. Black people fought on the Confederate side too”.

Bublé literally refers to raising his child as “babysitting.” Barf-a-fucking-roni.

My husband and my daughter are the only people I feel comfortable hugging. I will hug my mother and most of the people on my husband’s side of the family. They are big huggers, and it’s important to them, and after 20-something years, I’m comfortable enough with them that it’s not horrible. They used to try to kiss me

Hug on your own time! I agree with you, it’s an odd practice.

As someone who HATES it when people I don’t really know very well and trust touch me (I don’t even love hugging my parents, but I’ll do it) this is the cringiest shit in the world. Especially since our society doesn’t give us a delicate way to say no without being apologetic about it and possibly being viewed as rude.

Slightly OT, but what is it with adults asking for hugs? Why is this a thing? In my experience, only men have asked me for hugs and in professional settings. Once a male coworker and I were chatting and he asked for a hug when the conversation ended. I said absolutely not. WTF. You are not my child, my parent, my

I used to work with adults with developmental disabilities. One of my clients was the product of a father/daughter relationship and she was no ok at all.

I’m kind of confused at some of the comments which seems to think the article is being 100% positive. I think it’s being pretty evenhanded, especially in the woman running for Saudi Arabia by noting how all of the pics of her running normally at home have been scrubbed from the internet (that’s frankly the scariest

Plus the vulnerability that comes from a neglectful childhood.

Of the reported cases I’ve heard of of parent-child GSA the kid never, NEVER had a happy childhood. They’re unhappy and searching for some kind of validation and their parent takes advantage of that. It’s sexual abuse.

If you want to know what happens when you breed with your relatives, look no further than the royal houses of Europe and their assortment of living freaks and maniacs. Incest is never cool because it crosses way too many boundaries for it to be healthy. These two sound like their sexualized what should've been a

She didn’t really like fencing but it was a sport where she could fit in without looking too abnormal. Or she could just fit in and do ANYTHING she wanted by not living in the Stone Age.

I was for reals worried about Obama when he first got elected. (Lots of racists in my neck of the woods.) And so far that has not even been an issue, even with some fairly inept secret service. I think, I hope she’ll be ok.

Nannies sound like a luxury, but if your only other option is daycare, and if you have more than one kid, they do end up being the cheaper option for a lot of families, crazily enough. But overall, our country has a serious, serious problem with childcare. There are no decent affordable options for most people. We

An individual nanny only costs $20 an hour. For two children, that is the same as afterschool care, and substantially less than summer camp costs. Nannies are not the luxury, supervised care is the luxury. Or, indeed work, if you’re not earning north of $30 an hour.

I think a lot of that mindset is cultural. I’m Mexican and it’s the norm to have grandma watch the kids for next to nothing while we go off to work. I don’t live near family and when I discussed daycare options for my child with my mom she was taken aback by it, as if it was an outlandish idea to take my child to

Well yeah. Fifty years ago, the average age for a first-time grandmother was probably in the low-mid 40s, and women were far less likely to be working, so “have mom take care of the grandkids” was a valid option for a lot of new parents. Now, with women more likely to work, and work later, a lot of grandparents will

An individual nanny is absolutely a luxury. High quality centers should be a realistic option. Relying on one individual has its share of difficulties, and risks. Lower quality centers have their shares of risks too. A high quality place with several well-paid workers and plenty of oversight, and you reduce