She’s full of shit. They all are. They give not a single fuck about the woman or the baby. Only the birth.
She’s full of shit. They all are. They give not a single fuck about the woman or the baby. Only the birth.
She probably means “protect” as in protecting women from being able to make the wrong choice.
I’ve asked some former antichoice people this question, and they say it is a combo of both. First, in the fore-front of their minds, they believe this and repeated it. They also really believe they are saving the lives of actual babies. Second, beneath the surface of all that, they know the laws don’t actually protect…
Right? At least admit that the sole purpose of those laws was to restrict abortion. You don’t have to pretend you were trying to protect women. Both sides are very aware that that isn’t true.
“...truly a loss for those of us who saw the law as something meant to protect women.”
Jessica’s one of those people whose very presence reminds me that I have done jackshit with my life. I’m going to go crawl under the blankets and eat doritos and cry.
Everyone is a responsible gun owner until, you know, suddenly they aren’t.
Completely agreed. It almost feels like foreshadowing. When Obama said he believed the American people knew better (in so many words) than to vote for him, that was my Rains of Castamere playing at the Red Wedding moment.
If there is one thing #brexit made clear to me its that he is absolutely possible and actually more than likely, the worst part is there is no clear way to stop him.
Holy shit.
This is wonderful, thank you for sharing. So much of the discussion about this is so alarmist and polarizing. Just a couple thoughts:
Did you hear that moreover Texas was hiding the evidence of the NEGATIVE effect the law was already having? The whistle blower in this story is a ducking hero. I want to meet him/her and buy him/her a beer.…
She is a national treasure.
wait’ll you get to RBG’s concurrence.
also, today in women not being at unnecessary risk of death or disfigurement:
My favorite line (thus far— I’m still reading) from Breyer’s majority opinion: “We add that, when directly asked at oral argument whether Texas knew of a single instance in which the new requirement would have helped even one woman obtain better treatment, Texas admitted that there was no evidence in the record of…