polly shouldnt be

I’m just a new person now - Jazzy Tron from AV Club pre-kinjapocalypse is long gone. We should have all supported The Dissolve and avoided this mess.

All I have is a notification that I’m being “followed” by a porn/entrapment bot called “Milly” with an avatar of a photoshopped ass.

They could be used as a surprise addition at a very fortunate moment (like Aragorn with the army of the dead in Return of the King

Hey, a whole 120 comments! I mean, two weeks ago there’d have been a good 800, but 120! That’s probably one of the last times this site will see so many comments.

This is the single worst take in the history of language.

I had a taste of Balvenie Caribbean Cask, and now I know what I’m spending my next $70 on.

Barely hanging on.

Then again it is Texas. I imagine their police as Walker Texas Ranger* and roundhouse kicking starving children in the head.

You know, me have read lot of complains in past year about “mission drift” at A.V. Club, how site writing about politics and food (and yet rarely cookies! What up with that, A.V. Club?), but one thing me have always loved about site is that there always room for something this personal and heartfelt, regardless of

I was eleven and can confirm that it scared me shitless. The threat of nuclear war felt palpable in those days

Everyone knows everyone in Britain would die during a full nuclear exchange. What Threads presupposes is...maybe they didn’t?

I’ll be happy if there are more long form articles at the site. I miss them from the olden days.

Look at O’Neal, trying to lure us back with great content.

Know what I hate? If my mouse pointer gets within 6 inches of the top of the screen I’m suddenly on Jezebel or Lifehacker or some shit.

Make it a weekend, throw in some Miracle Mile for good measure.

I know I saw this on video as a young adult, but my strongest memory is the original airing, walking in on my dad watching it and there was some scene of kids screaming at each other over missing hairbrushes or some shit. My dad turned to me and said, “You better go find something else to do.”

Bringing 3 dragons to a guy who makes soldiers out of dead things was plain stupid.

100% agreed. What good is years of character development without all of this payoff? The incredible battles and visual effects sequences we’ve gotten this year are more than enough to make up for the fact that some head-scratching moments.


He wasn’t going to lie. He knows that kind of stubborness got Ned killed and admits as much. But I agree with him that eventually words mean nothing if it becomes okay to lie.