
Its both


Repulicans have the control they have in the country because democrats dont vote in non presidential elections. Its not that deep.

True, but people who knew the reference were still offended. It was just jezebel that was outraged at it. It is a really stupid thong to be outraged at, but here we are. Watch out u might get banned for pointibg out jez was in the wrong.

Blake i think u just started a new faux controversy with the look like i starve myself line.

What the fuck are u smoking this post isnt hating on hillary.

What about now, if u have to go to the 90s you have a problem.

Can u go a day without typing bernie bro at gawker media.

Which is true the vp has no real power so her not being in the senate is no good. But, anyone how isnt team hillary ia a berniebro and sexist to u.

Will they, i love how u hate on obama when hillary is basically going to be his third term.

Still trolling.

This is a weak arguement. If we want eqaulty we have to do away with double standards.

You seem to be always asking questions.

They said they would vote for her as president. Vp isnt the same and warren supporting hillary is seen as a betrayal.


Why would she vote for hillary when hillary doesnt stand for her principles. The best thing for her to do is not vote or vote libertarian, but gary johnson is pro-choice so maybe not.