
If Publix makes Kroger look like Aldi, Wegmans must make it look like the dumpster out back of a 7-11.

I can't wait until you have to explain "old lady with tattoos" coming up in your search history to someone.

Black Ops was way more detailed, stat-wise. Previous matches, heat maps, individual weapon stats, equipment usage was all available in the barracks in BO, but now is only available in Elite.

I can't seem to find a song called "Dong Shot"

/Looks at roster, cries

Is there somewhere I can see what content is NOT available outside of a web browser? It seems like a big mystery until you actually try to access them and get denied.

Switched my bookmarks to ca.deadspin.com. It's still on the old layout. I'll see your broken-ass refresh in hell, Denton.

Hopefully Treyarch won't implement the same thing that W@W had, where the DLC maps would show up in your rotation regardless of whether or not you bought them, resulting in being booted from lobbies.

@cinnamonster: When I watched the first episode on TeamCoco.com, There were no ads, but it kicked me out of full screen view every time there was supposed to be an ad break.

@Mooncow27: It's a little bit different with cable companies though as they have the content providers who shovel all of the extra channels in on them in order for them to provide the channels people actually watch. Microsoft is adding this extra content out of their own volition. It's not like ESPN came to them and

@Link2187: I think you understand tiered data plans perfectly.

@MakeThemListen: The PS3 version has the Joker missions that aren't available on the 360, I know that was the tipping point for some people. The 360 version has some DLC challenge rooms I believe. I'm not sure whether or not they are available for the PS3.

@NakedEskimo: Haven't they said that Kinect only supports two players at a time? If that's the case, comparing it to a four player Move or Wii set-up isn't accurate.

@AzureTexan: Wasn't that an episode of Perfect Strangers? The one where Balky never gets a football pick wrong? No matter how much you Charge, you always have to pay the Bills!

He just reenacted pretty much every GTA4 session I've ever had.

@slc: Imagine, though, if people who read Gizmodo knew people who do not read Gizmodo who might be a little less knowledgable about online security. What a crazy world that would be.

@buckyboy2009: Isn't it the same difficulty as a regular cube? Just harder on your eyes?

About the only appealing thing about this is the price.