
Yeah, as the mother of a kid who was abused, I have zero sympathy.

I’m sad for victims of childhood sexual abuse. Not the piece of shit who had 50,000 images of CSA and was too cowardly to go to prison for it.

Agreed. I feel like because he’s kissing his male son people are being even more dramatic. Kids benefit from affection. Let the man be.

I don’t think anyone doubted she was getting played. The question was “ Do we care?”

Sadly I’ve done 2/4 of these things. But Costco makes super long gas lines so it can reach gas tanks on either side.

You know what really bothers me? When people bug out about kissing kids on the lips. Not everyone does it but when people do, IT IS NOT SEXUAL. People cringing like there is a sexual element is icky. It’s icky! That’s a father and son, clean your head. Damn.

No cashier gives a shit about the company they work for. That’s how racist they were. Their racism and want to catch a black man was so strong it overcame their incredible apathy about checking people out.

No matter what he does in life, this will be the moment that defines him.

i’m so disappointed at everyone voting for steak umms and kool aid. what the hell? trash trash trash.

I feel like this woman lives in a weird disconnect with reality:
Were you called monkey and felt disrespected?
So...why would you be okay with your son being labeled a monkey with an image that will last forever on the internet?
“Uhhhhhhhhh....happy thoughts everyone! Happy thoughts!”

Nobody is asking her to be Rosa

ummm...then why are you here on this article?

I would 100% subscribe to your podcast! You should go for it! And if you do, tell us about it so we can listen!

“I said it did bother me. Youre the one who didnt read.”

Why don’t you try thinking before making comments? See how that goes both ways?


The article itself did not bother you because you: 

I’m in tears reading this. It is very much the encouragement I need for this time in my life. Like your friend, I have some ...no...lots, of regrets for missed opportunities. I’m 47. I totally feel like life passed me by. Thank you for this article. I’m drying my tears, grabbing my goals journal and making plans to

I went to high school with a Jason. I would let him cheat off me when we took mock TAKS tests, because he didn’t realize we had different reading passages. He did this multiple times and I don’t think he ever figured it out.

I love Jamil as I love everyone on that show but my heart still belongs to Janet.