
What I was trying to say in my own clumsy way is that I can’t help but wonder if given all the stuff that’s going on (that we know of) in his personal life, is his pro-Black, power to the people stuff just performative? Yes, that’s probably grossly unfair, but it makes me wonder. This isn’t just a Jesse Williams

Nah. He acted like a complete scrub getting his dick wet publicly before being divorced. As people already called out, her face when he was bloviating about Black women at that award show said a lot...he has probably been a bum and if you can’t show respect to the person you presumably love and have children with

I know I’m gonna get flamed for this but...while Jesse’s words are correct, I just can’t take him seriously anymore. The BET speech, especially the part about Black women, and then turning around and leaving your Black wife for that Minka girl took me out. Everything he says and does gets the side-eye from me now.

This is a big problem. Even the people who are supposed to be sympathetic and at least investigate don’t believe victims when they come forward.

“Minka, throw all those shirts in the trash. All of them!”

Uh you sure you want white people moving in and taking over everything!?!

Oh, so we gonna ignore how Shea Moisture and Roland “Cap’n Ascot” tried to mansplain black women feels not even a year ago?

she didn’t deserve that apartment at all! i was so disappointed by this show. nola was way to self-centered to want to get to know.

Ha! I kinda feel that way too. Her behavior is really trashcan behavior. Thanks for stopping through!

I mean...that’s really our safest bet.

After the death of Michael Brown and the subsequent uprising in Ferguson, Mo., police departments across the country

Venus entered the intersection on a green light, but the vehicle in front of her stopped to make a turn, leaving her trapped in the intersection when the light changed. The car driven by Linda Barson then entered the intersection on a green light and T-boned Venus’s car.

It’s weird for a business declaring intent to “make a positive impact, socially and environmentally”to tout a single product that’s literally meant to be thrown into the trash after one use. Even though it’s made “using sustainable technologies and renewable energies,” it’s still going straight to a landfill.

This dude is a simp ass motherfucker. Trash ass, don’t disrespect that sister. I’m glad I wasn’t on that flight and came across that. I would have fucked him up.

Yeah, once again no. Dark skin girls are denigrated. Light skin people get hired at higher rates, receive lighter sentencing and less prison time, get higher pay, and are preferred and more well represented in media. So I’m not really here for you trying to equate someone wanting dark skin women to be represented and

CCH Pounder needs to be in everything.

This man is a gift to humanity. On top of acting and activism he’s an artist, an amazing dancer, and even a flautist. He basically embodies the phrase “having one’s shit together.” And on top of all this he’s insanely sexy, I generally like slim guys but he looks so good to me! I wish him continued success in the

I absolutely felt some type of way about Halle Berry being cast.