
Comparing Sam Smith to Luther Vandross is absolutely insane. Sam Smith isn’t even that good of a singer. I hate the fact that he’s what passes for R&B now. His maudlin, whiny tunes are strictly adult contemporary.

Please provide receipts.

I actually don’t think that being lighter-skinned, or biracial actually softens the blows of racism. In fact, I think it can expose people more to it, because people will say things to them or they’ll be among family or friends who will deal out these racial slights. This is my experience as a light skinned racially

Good piece, Panama. I see Blackness as a gift. It might not be wrapped in the sparkliest package, it might not be this years must have, but it’s gonna be that thing you depend on when shit gets tough. If mixed folks wanna claim the gift or hide it under the bed and show off the sparkly one, that’s fine. When the

I actually don’t think that being lighter-skinned, or biracial actually softens the blows of racism. In fact, I think it can expose people more to it, because people will say things to them or they’ll be among family or friends who will deal out these racial slights. This is my experience as a light skinned racially

So go ahead and come to the cookout - I have no problem with it. But can we PLEASE stop pretending that their experiences are the same, mixed people have always been at the front of the back of the bus.

We simply need to acknowledge and accept that we need more descriptors to describe the totality of blackness. I am blackity black-black but some stupid people tried to tell me that I’m not because of my Caribbean heritage and straight-ish hair. My husband is technically multiracial (Italian white absentee father,

“I’m sure Damon’s piece, while an opinion, annoyed some mixed people: Who is this nonmixed person to tell me who I am and how I have to identify? Why do others or society get to determine who I am and why don’t I get to define myself FOR myself? If Markle isn’t choosing one over the other, why does anybody ELSE get to

Ehh I was able to scrape most of the product out of the tube. Gotta use an angled brush to apply it though, the one in the tube is not easy to use.

Go for it! In the meantime, I will say that the best eyebrow filler makeup I’ve ever tried is Wunderbrow. It. Does. Not. Budge. No such thing as an emergency touch up with this stuff, even when swimming or working out 😉

 ’preciate the vote! but I suspect that’d require details like publishing my gubment name n stuff, which I ain’t down for. My Illuminati membership demands anonymity. 😌

Mike Judge has really given us so much.

Dale Gribble did that on King of the Hill. When Dale Gribble does something and you think to yourself “that’s a great idea,” you know your in trouble.

Sounds nice! Is collagen usually a rub on, or an injectible?

It’s a paradigm difference.

My takeaway from Rihanna’s response was that she’d rather just have trans models show up to her castings, rather than specifically seek one out for the sake of inclusion, which is tokenism (and is what her fan suggested). The beauty and fashion industries are as revenue-driven as any other industry, and yet,

I have no respect for parents who withhold access to their children from the other parent when there is no protection issue for the child involved.

Nah nah—he’s been a devout GOPrick for the past 30 years.

White Latino’s forgetting that Black Latino’s even exist? What else is new...