
He’s got 50/50 custody, folks!

Well, there’s a reason so many people make fun of hipsters.

I want her TV daddy to walk her down the isle. Would that be too much???

If there is a celebrity showdown to see who can get the most black folks free/protected. I ain’t even mad.

Your move, Oprah.

Which point? The one-drop rule is a White construct, not a Black truth. I said his kids are *whiter*than he is. That’s true.

If you don’t cry during the scene, you’re not human.

Now playing

Exactly! How dare he not include Ms. Mahalia.

I am in the Old School Gospel camp as well.

Unpopular Opinion: Like musicals, I don’t like ‘Contemporary Gospel’ music. I just don’t. I really prefer the reaaalllll old records that my grandma and her siblings used to play on their 45s. I’m talking about Mahaila Jackson... “Jesus on the Mainline”... I even prefer to listen to the negro spirituals than to listen

Now playing

“Why I Sing” isn’t on this list and I demand a recount.

Bag secured.

There are a lot more recipes that are specific to the Instapot and it’s exact settings because it is more popular. I didn’t know this because I bought my Power Pressure Cooker on a whim, but I don’t regret buying it. It is pretty awesome.

Wait...she gay and she wit a black woman?!

There’s something satisfying knowing that every well known media and political figure who ever harassed women (or men) is having a hard time sleeping because they don’t know If they’re next.

Them having had plastic surgery (which they most certainly have, use your eyes) has absolutely no bearing on whether or not they’re good artists. They may be as wonderful as you say they are, and good for them if they are.

what percentage of Texas women voted for Trump, do ya think?

I mean..he was 35 and dating a 17 year old Kimora...

I’ve never had an InstantPot, so I couldn’t tell you..but I know I’ve made everything from lasagna...pot roast in 15 min..to peach cobbler in that thing.