
Co-sign. Won’t be signing up for the newsletter. It reads as very typical male gaze-y. I’m an older Millennial (I don’t think it’s a generational thing).

I don’t particularly care for it because its very male gaze-y as opposed to empowered to me. Looks like a typical porn shoot, so meh - I guess I don’t see the artistic appeal. I’m an (older) Millennial.

If the Democrats are putting Joe Biden up in 2020 they may as well concede defeat now. The best thing he can do is put his support behind a better candidate.

He also backed Clinton’s school to prison pipeline so he needs to also address that.

Eh, I’m iffy on the public posting, but the approach is spot on, IMO.

This is what gets me about victim-blamers and deniers. If Terry Crews can be put in a situation like that, why is it unbelievable for women to be in a situation where they can’t say no or fight back?  

I can understand both sides. Black women get so few chances on the national stage. I have friends who have problems with Taraji’s portrayal as Cookie on Empire for being ghetto/stereotypical. I do think we need to see more different types of Black women in mainstream media. Tiffany Haddish is just being herself

He has spoken about how aware he was of the optics—a big Black man beating up an important white man. He would have been arrested and his career would have been ruined. The fear of the repercussions of standing up for himself kept him silent, just as it does most victims of this kind of thing.

google Kanye West fade. Then you’ll know.

I like your honesty, it refreshing because so many of us don’t like to admit that we fell for that “good one” bullshit. Well said sir. or Madame (I didn’t see any self identifying pronouns in your post and I’m not gonna disrespect).

As someone who has spent most of his life being considered “one of the good ones”, white people constantly insisting you are in some way better than other black folks starts to fuck with your head. It’s why Stacy Dash and Jason Whitlock are who they are. That shit can brainwash you.

No, she’s horrible, too.

Even ivanka’s shit flew off the shelves when Nordstrom parted ways with her brand and everything was 70% off.

My bullshit radar pinged reading this. Sorry, but I find it highly doubtful that Marchesa is selling more now. How do we know Ken and Amber aren’t friends with Georgina? If they have Marchesa in stock and admit it’s not selling is anyone still going to want to buy it? “Did you know Bill Cosby’s wife’s fashion line

They are never going to stop trying to make Amal Clooney, who dresses like that one semi-fashionable mom who voluntarily chaperoned your prom, happen.

Ms. Adams,

Yes, absolutely this. Make an example of the bastard.