@jrboddie: security theater nudie pics and TSA gropings are not a problem, but a few intelligent questions are?
@jrboddie: security theater nudie pics and TSA gropings are not a problem, but a few intelligent questions are?
@Oasx: Oh, I can, but being a Dane means I HAVE to complain about it!
@gizmodocon: I have. several times.
@Roklimber: Not anymore... well, near by US standards, about 50 miles, but my brother lives there.
@Roklimber: I've spent some time there, I used to live more or less straight west of it, on the coast of denmark.
@Roklimber: The island of Hven is now a part of Sweden... but it's still nice ;-)
@improprietary: Don't...
I'll take 2 tickets, please!
@thnikkamax: I'm European...
@F0RCEFL0W: oh? I thought it was the glue they use for the sparkly stuff, that stank...^^
@galanix: seen the acting in Twilight?
@Caw_Miller: "Homer! You Shot the Zombie Flanders!!"
@zer0p01nt: "the premise that nothing exists in the Universe that's beyond human comprehension."
@clytamnestra: YEAAAAAAAAAAA....
@hawkeye18 is not from Iowa: I do get your argument, but I have just as much to lose as the pilot.
@NorwoodIsMyHero: that they are...
@randomlyheard.com: yeah, and what about airline mechanics? baggage handlers? the people that restock food/water/drinks/toiletpaper?
@hawkeye18 is not from Iowa: but they do fly IN the airplane...