
That's Racial Profiling, and yes, that does not work, and it's offensive...

I'm gonna have nightmares for a while, now...

no pain, no gain!

animal cruelty!

we did.

16. I guess sex _can_ be measured in tonnes... Metric f*ck tonnes?

They be tradin' with the Lizard people too?

I'm in two minds about the proposed remake... I love the Original, but I'm kinda curious and scared about what they'll do to a new version.


Oooh, extra geekcred for the Logan's run reference. :-)

@Rick Lucey: It's just another bug-hunt, man...

"The main spaceship in the film will be piloted by an enormous head which I assume will be CGI."

@AmphetamineCrown: well, they've managed to avoid being classified as such in an official sense, but for all purposes they have been, and have been reaping the benefits of it.

@salviati: and double dipping...