
Well, Republicans already show up to vote and don’t need an “app” to tell them to fulfill their civic duty, so this makes perfect sense to me.

Mobilize Your Democrat Friends to Vote in the Next Election With This App

Almost exclusively at this point:

It may be a left-leaning site now, but this is fairly recent. I don’t remember it having much of a lean either way back in the Gina days.

Beth, I agree 100%. I’m just saying that the site is obviously biased, and after reading the details at the site, this article title is biased as well.

“laws that curb immigration” would be a factual description. “Bad Laws” is not, and even in the context of opinion, it’s a poor descriptor that oversimplifies things.

Holy biased spin batman!

Oh fuck Chaffetz for SOOOOO many things. When Paul Ryan wants to look like a normal sack of shit put him next to Chaffetz.

Also, Blue Cross/Blue Shield donated $13,500 to his campaign last year. So in a way, by choosing to buy insurance rather than an iPhone, you will be buying Chaffetz an iPhone.