Polka Dot Leopard

I agree. I’ll make fun of someone who has silly reasons for not identifying as a feminist (e.g. “I’m not a feminist because I don’t hate men”) but it sounds like she might be saying feminism can exclude women of color and LGBT women, which is a pretty decent reason not to use the term.

I don’t really care about labels and how people label themseleves. I care about what they do, what they think, and how they vote. Well I don’t really care about celebrities and what they think so much.

That's a really lovely thing to do. I am sure it has had a meaningful impact on them as well as on you, and I'm glad to know there are people like you living in the world.

It is a wonderful legacy to be able to carry on. I personally relish my current role of Cool Aunt, as well as being a supportive friend for moms I know who could use an extra hand sometimes.

If I ever do have kids, I certainly hope that is the case. I’ve had some great examples in my life from which to learn. In the meantime I’ll stick to mothering the shit out of my friends who need it.

<3 As someone whose awesome mom made her home into a destination for so many kids who had less awesome moms themselves, I try very hard not to take her awesomeness for granted. I’m lucky to have her as my own mom, but I’ve always been happy to share.

I got her back! Also, here's a bonus photo of her being EXTRA fucking gorgeous. Whenever someone is like "you sued a crazy drug dealer for your cat? Why?" I show them this photo. Could you say no to this face? I think not.

Yep. Because in the 90's, it was people building sites, not corporations. The period between the invention of the World Wide Web and the influx of companies (when they were all too scared that it would fail) was marvelous.

I miss the 90s internet. I miss personal webpages, and fan pages and web rings. Sure, if the person coding the site didn't have an eye for design, you wound up with laughably bad color schemes and spinning mailbox gifs everywhere, but those sites had actual personality, and felt as if they were created by real people

The first time my husband and I made out, it was for hours. I had a rash from his stubble the next day. Worth it.
