Polka Dot Leopard

Captain America : the First Avenger only did $175M in the US, and that was pretty good against a $140M budget.

Don't get me wrong either, lol. I don't think it'll do a billion, either. It won't do as well as Avengers, certainly. I don't think anyone expects it to, though. What a lot of people seem to be confused about is the expectations - they seem to think that each Marvel movie has to be bigger than the last or else it's a

I disagree with Charlie Jane's conclusion. There is nothing "flat" about this film. Though she is right about fans of dark-surrealism.

And this.

Four Willows. Two in leather. Two mousy. All dangerous. I'll be in my bunk.

I think we all knew Sally Draper would end up here one day.

Dean Pelton?

Now playing

Drive. They advertised it as some sort of action packed Transporter clone. They even got sued for false advertising. I was so pissed off.

Actually the Joker looks kind of great like that.



About six weeks after my boyfriend dumped me, I met a new guy, who I liked a lot, but I was naturally worried about getting into a new relationship—was I even ready for that? Well, a couple of friends of mine invited me out to see <I>Eternal Sunshine</I>, and they invited the new guy as well. So the four of us watched

A movie that deserves a remake, but not by a debut director. I despair. The book? It's a masterwork by a writer at the top of his game.

Love triangle. Everywhere love triangles. Just once I want a character to say "Naw, I like my boyfriend; you're cool though"

"Bows and arrows against the lightning. They haven't seen the heat ray yet."

This has to be one of the most pointless, inaccurate, myopic things I have ever read on here. I've been reading this site for a number of years now, and all you guys ever seem to do is contradict yourselves. You bemoan the lack of subtlety and subtext in books and films (especially when those things are sacrificed for

" It was a slick twist on the part of H.G. Wells, but it would have been way more badass if the scrappy Earthlings found a way to defeat the seemingly unstoppable tripods."