Get rid of fraternities. Period.
Get rid of fraternities. Period.
I know it’s just a play on the song title, but the sad thing is that anxiety and depression leave one in a state of constantly pursuing happiness and never finding it. I hope he comes closer to finding whatever that is for him, after a great deal of struggle against the helplessness of that pursuit.
Hope he’s back in the pursuit of happiness soon.
This is the biggest and most insidious scam of the entire system. The same happened to me daughter was in the PICU for several days after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.
Yeah, if you have to get cancer, best to get it in Canada if at all possible. I mean, instead of the US. Mine was an aggressive and complicated cancer with hilarious (not) side effects, and it gives me great pause to wonder just how much my province has spent to keep me alive. I can’t even imagine.
That is just horrible.
This is actually the most interesting comment I’ve seen, and I was moved to google it. Adjusted for inflation, it would be $714.04 in today’s dollars.
That should be illegal. Straight up fucking illegal.
I had an emergency c-section 7 months ago. When I got my completely insane hospital bill that my insurance refused to cover one penny of (close to $130k). I was questioning why the anesthesia wasn’t covered. Turns out I had neglected to ask which group the anesthesiologist was in. Silly me, being wheeled into surgery…
The best, the most luxurious...
Boy that must be a great baby if it’s worth forty bucks just to touch it.
Someone started a rumor on Snapchat yesterday that clowns were coming to the school where I work. The kids came in at the beginning of the day scared about it. Then, during lunch, the damn fire alarm went off because someone left their food in the microwave too long. The kids all fucking panicked, several kids had…
I was raped by someone I thought I knew very well- I had never seen it coming. And the thing is, I don’t believe he thought what he was doing was wrong. His behavior was so ingrained he thought it was perfectly okay. I wonder if a lot of men don’t rape under just those circumstances, if they aren’t completely blinded…
I too, have been educated, maybe more than I would like, over the past several years, although I am a female-type person. It’s really an eye-opener, and not in a good way. Respect to you.
As an old white man, I never thought much about a “rape culture,” and I probably would have denied its existence. It just never really seemed prevalent to me. I would never have said that we didn’t have a racist culture, but somehow the rape connection just wasn’t there for me.
I don’t normally comment, but I felt the need to point out the hypocrisy of this article. I’m all for pointing out if a women is being body shamed, for whatever reason, but to call a white, non curvy, white, blonde, blue eyed girl a “ walking bowl of buttered noodles” is absolutely doing the SAME DAMN THING.
“huh, this was great, except it was a little too diverse.”
And he makes the same weird white people movies over and over and over...
Attitudes like this are so fucking disconnected from reality. I have never once watched a film or tv show and thought “huh, this was great, except it was a little too diverse.” I cannot for the life of me understand why directors wouldn’t want to cater to (or at least pay lip service to) the 37% of America that…
- Tim Burton, basically.