
If he did do it accidentally, I am more troubled by the lengths to which his adult parents went to cover it up, including the waste of police resources. The father should answer for that, even if the statute of limitations has run on actually charging him.

He was nine. Consensus is, if he did it, it was an accident. He wouldn’t be in trouble. I didn’t say exposing it would serve no purpose--a press release is sufficient. Exposing it for public entertainment serves no purpose.

Absolutely damn right they will, and they should.

I think a lot of us have never understood the fascination with Jolie. I just don’t get it. She just looks sort of alien like, particularly when she’s too thin. Must be a guy thing.

Marion Cottilard is a beautiful woman that, at least in terms of classical beauty, is an upagrade on Jolie. I tried to think of a way to say that without offending the target audience here at Jezebel and came up empty. Sorry in advance ladies.


my official response to Vera Bradley as a self-identified 35-year-old woman who “appreciates beauty in color and prints and thoughtful details and in her relationships”:

Or they could try making bags that don’t remind me of the bedspread in a Radisson circa 1994?

That’s why John Travolta came to my mind.

Cosmo was in a perfect position to do this. Everyone, including Ivanka, thinks they’re a dumb ladymag full of nothing but penis touching tips and other questionable advice, but their political reporting is actually pretty damn good.

Yes Ivanka, Cosmo readers do and should care about issues impacting women and children (and families of all kinds) which is why they fucking asked you those questions.

Exactly. Why would this be an issue? It’s like noting that at the time of robbery, the victim was very wealthy.

But Parker himself didn’t say stop so, by his own logic, not only should the journalist kept going, he should have invited two other journalists into the room to keep asking the same question.

I have never had any interest whatsoever in a threesome. I’m not morally opposed but I suspect it’s like showering with a partner—one of you is always standing away from the water, feeling chilly with shampoo in your hair.


So this dude turned a sexual assault into an opportunity to compliment hhimself on the size of his dick? Wow.

It’s good that she managed to overcome the handicap of not pleasing boners to still do something or other with her life.

My favorite part is how they frame lack of aesthetic appeal and a likeable personality as contradictory. Who woulda known that a woman who is “plain of feature and certainly overweight” could “NEVERTHELESS” be “a woman of wit and warmth”? Is it really so hard to see a woman’s personal characteristics as anything other

I like the way they implied she was witty and warm despite her hideous appearance.

I would like to just give an anonymous shout-out to my male boss who keeps giving me raises without my asking for them, and is quite aware that his female employees are uncomfortable asking (not from anything he has done).