
If their slogan for their “performance car” ads isn’t “Give it some Beans” then this has all been for naught.

I didn’t quote the mean, but the median. My point was this — yes, everyone should buy a used car, but if this were the case, H.S. econ tells me the price of used cars would skyrocket, making them as unaffordable as new ones.

I’d have bet my life this was a photo of Elon Musk and Isle of Man madman Guy Martin

If you’re an AI Robotics company Elon, than shut down your vehicle production.

Was that a wooden bridge?

A crap situation all around, seeing as a guy died. Was he most likely not paying attention when he should’ve been? Yes. Is Autopilot pretty shit and in being so named, encourages Tesla owners to be overly reliant on it? Yes. Both things can be true.

You’re not wrong on the politics. But I think the era of cheap labor is ending if it isn’t already over, and I’m not sure the Chinese government has a plan for that beyond “subcontracting to the Vietnamese.”

The goal of this legislation was to bring battery production to the US, not necessarily to make cars cheaper. If making cars cheaper was the sole goal we would have reduced the barriers to entry, not made them harder. This was more about protecting jobs and fighting a geo-political struggle with China than making

All of these videos have a strong stench of fakeness, an attempt to get their name (and more importantly face) “out there” so they can become, say, an internet celeb. Social media fame chasers have made me skeptical of 99.4% of the crazy shit that’s supposed to be legit.

Samir, you are breaking the car

They’re lucky the pilot did have a bit of airplane road rage.

Your 180 HP was a massive 3X the power of my high school ride, a 1984 Tercel wagon! I remember I had to downshift to 4th to clear a moderate highway grade on my way home from school, maybe 3rd if I was bringing back some fellow 99-pound XC buddies :-) Thinking back to my 90's high school days, I am beyond thankful our

Yup, that’ll happen.

how does the term homeless blame the individual? its a description not an accusation

/s or no?  I hate the way we rename things to make it more palatable. 

So you’re telling me they made a YouTube channel to profit off the misfortune of others, instead of asking their local city or county to install a guard rail, adjust the speed limit, and add warning signs leading up to the curve?

Bold assumption that no one has ever brought this up to the operating DOT, especially since the police have been called there on multiple occasions. Until the cost of sending cops out there outweighs whatever changes need to happen so people slow down, it is unlikely the municipality in charge will do anything.

Since no one else at G/O Media seems able to acknowledge it, maybe because you all (probably rightly) fear for your own jobs at this point, I’ll go ahead and say it:

Drive one and you probably won’t care how many doors it has.