It’s totally the opposite. Also, you know those Weekend DUI Checkpoint info that alt weekly newspaper websites post? The police give them that info.
It’s totally the opposite. Also, you know those Weekend DUI Checkpoint info that alt weekly newspaper websites post? The police give them that info.
Yeah. No one is excited. Because the last Bill Simmons-ran website was so shitty. At least that’s what Deadspin tells me and my opinion is always Deadspin’s.
Lmao Fish Sticks from Family Guyy. “Why I oughta!!!”
Ah yes, I forgot. My grandparents and great-grandparents, who made it to L.A. in the 1930s, always told me tales of how traffic didn’t exist in Los Angeles until 1987.
Spoken like someone who wasn’t here for the traffic-less freeways of 1984. Or the car-less freeways of Carmageddon. And the traffic-less freeways of last weekend’s 48-hour demolition of the 6th St. bridge.