
In short, this is why Republicans will NOT let us improve schooling at a national level nor give tuition breaks for students at public universities. When poor, white people aren’t chasing factory jobs that were made obsolete by a) automation and b) republican decimating unions, they run out of reasons for vote GOP.

This is where the media failed. She issued a half dozen white papers on the subject, talked about it at length and only ended up on TV if she insulted Trump. The tv news media covered this like a high school gossip queen, but the democrats have really tried to answer your question. It’s just that you didn’t care to

This whole election was about how working class white people feel. That’s what swung the election. They don’t get to vote on their fucking feelings and then tell everyone else that feelings are for pussies. I mean, apparently they do, but you have to see how hypocritical that is.

Think we could create a diversion and swap Rom in for the Chief Justice. Law students for decades would thanks us. I’d read every decision.

I keep reminding myself that if people like me go back to NY my state is less likely to turn blue and that’s bad for everyone. I’m on a mission to civilize!

Am I missing something? Everyone protesting in this article seems to be in CA, WA, NY and IL. Didn’t they all go for Clinton? It’s entirely possible everyone in those pictures did vote for Clinton and are also really scared right now.

Yeah. And on that note I’m deleting all my internet comments, tweets, etc. about Trump. Just to be safe.

I believe you’re number is for one state, I think it was Nevada or AZ that went 65/35. Most swing state Hispanics went something more like 85/15. I think the earlier reporting showed him doing better than the numbers I was seeing this morning. Unfortunately I can’t find the article I saw this morning either, so

Trump might be stupid, he might not be. But he’s definitely not willing to learn or listen, so it doesn’t matter which it is. He doesn’t understand how our government works, he doesn’t understand international affairs and he doesn’t believe the entire US military and intel apparatus despite being briefed. Whatever

By the end Hitler was horribly addicted to meth and opiates. A very underreported part of what happened — he had the same doctor giving the same drugs to Mussolini too.

He’d steal most of the Fox audience and get the same ads... don’t forget that’s the most watched of the cable news channels (I think at times it’s just the most watched of the cable channels). If that didn’t work, and he went subscription model like Palin tried, figure something like 40-60,000,000 people are going to

Remember the VP debate? Biden has a gift for making someone that’s saying dumb shit look even dumber. I think Hillary has done a fine job of walking Donald into traps this election season, but Joe would have been more fun to watch.

Nothing about the article said she drove. What KY laws otherwise create curfews for teens such that it would have been illegal? For someone with so much interest in what the law says, why not start by finding out how to spell license?

If Gay knew she was at a fast food restaurant at 4 am, that would have prevented her death?

If she wasn’t there, the bullet just as likely hits someone else. Maybe having more guns than people has something to do with it.

I want to dig into this a little bit — no drunk woman can give consent, even taking into consideration other circumstances and past sexual history? My wife and I get drunk infrequently, usually when we’re going out of our way to have a nice dinner, a great bottle of wine and sex. Am I raping her? Because by your

it’s a town hall, maybe someone awesome in the crowd will ask with the quote included.

With the allegations I’m seeing on CNN right now, at least two women allege he tried to rape them in his daughter’s bedroom. That can’t be a coincidence.

If he had dropped out early enough, or if he were incapacitated so he had to be replaced (say by Dick Cheney on a quail hunt), I believe the party would vote for a replacement.

As long as it’s a big, beautiful wall, I think that would be okay.