
so, like, at the point where you’re arguing that degrees don’t get you jobs, it seems like you’re kind of arguing against your own thesis that degrees are good and everyone should get them

Crows and ravens are the best birds, number 1, eagles and owls are punks with flash wingspans, glory birds, they are terrible, I will fight all of you

I think you’re right inasmuch as it develops out of a combination of increasing media and availability of information, and the moral views and increasing influence of a burgeoning middle class.

Ah, so u persecute Jared Fogle just because he has different beliefs? Do Tell.

The thing is, at the end of the day, for all the flaws with his approach - and there were many - it’s hard for me to view this as an improvement for anyone when the Hinkie approach is being replaced by Jerry Colangelo hiring his failure son to take the reins. It’s really hard for me to believe that Hinkie’s failures

Satellite lost for unknown reasons - sad!

I still think DEBS should count as a superhero movie

At least according to Solnit’s account, all of the people that Nieto encountered were relatively new to the city (and have also subsequently left).

It’s terrible. But on a certain level it just feels impossible to respond with anything other than resignation, because I don’t think it’s ever going to stop.

And if you add housing elsewhere in the Bay, that’s just going to further cripple our already-overloaded transit infrastructure. No matter what kind of hole you try to patch up, another one springs up.