
These schools (Ivy league) have so much money in endowments, they’re not holding back on other things because they have sports teams to pay for. As for other big State (non-Ivy league) schools, their sports teams actually bring in huge amounts of money.

There is nothing inherently wrong with schools having competitive athletic teams; it’s a way to bring the school together and athletes usually have a passion for playing the sport - they aren’t sitting there thinking “man, I wish I didn’t have to play this children’s game.”

good god I hate the internet

We get it. People who engage in physical activity are the lessers and shouldn’t be allowed to attend schools with higher beings such as yourself.

Except athletic scholarships are a good way for schools to accept student who might otherwise be denied, i.e. poor and minority kids.

Whoah there. Don’t defend the actions of men, and student athletes at that. YOU MUST LOVE RAPE.

It sounds to me like Yale acted swiftly and efficiently and got rid of the guy. The Women’s center recognises that because of FERPA, Yale can’t say anything about what happened so I’m not getting the whole “silencing” thing. However, as dumb as the team’s actions are (even if they don’t know the exact nature of what