@fizzlefist: agreed.
@fizzlefist: agreed.
Why is it all these origin stories are basically more badass and dirty versions of the original characters?
This is just weird.
@Jackstick: yeah, i'm sure no one ever gets back up and beats the crap out of someone who does that.
@superflat44: they'll dodge right past all the dirt and straight out the front door to freedom. :P
The labyrinth game for c64 was awesome. Loved so many games from that system.
@bagumpity: it's just tabs. watch the videos.
Jason: do they have pro-guitar songs with non-standard tunings? Does it tell you how the guitar is tuned at the start of the song? Any idea on if the squier will require you to retune your guitar between songs?
@Zecomm: I've heard it's a wait and see kind of option. For the moment though you can play pro bass on the first four strings of the pro guitars.
@The Anti-Fanboy: agreed. Can't wait, myself. Plus I'm looking forward to connecting the mustang and the keytar up to some of my synths and jump around my studio doing some 80's synth rock tributes :P
@leulu1: i was always a fan of the z-tar myself.
@Pitchswitch: I liked them prior to GH1, they just have a quirky irreverence and upbeat nature that you don't find much in western music. Strangely enough, i think I found them in the same manner as the keyboardist, I think it was during the audiogalaxy times. That was a great time for discovering music. God I miss…
I notice there is a Roland AX-7 in the background. *grabby hand motion* I was hoping to use the keytar for playing some of my synths live, and it looks like it's going to do a great job.
@obedient.deviant: i think the definition of sexy is in the eye of the submitter, really.
Is... that a singstar microphone?
@Chameleon7: that really depends on the size of the pencil and the size of the truck.
@junior ghoul: see the post below.
@Sarreq Teryx: Ah! Thanks for that. Someone promote this.
I wish this wasn't an MMO.
Even if that's just a visualisation app with baiyon and eden style visuals, ... oh, i just read the other article. it is. oh well, yay!