Polite Society

@Paniaguapo: Saying you saved the galaxy is a bit like saying you invented sex and music (which I did by the by, no need to thank me) it sounds impressive and might get a smile, but inevitably people just tend to think that you are exaggerating.

@hk458: Haha. Damn her. I had to listen to her go on for what seemed like hours, and then I lost the opportunity to tell her to get in my tent. Zevran is always there for me.

These tie-ins are so often half-assed, and Nier has alot of ass to cover.

@nerdwa: hey! i've got that sofa. Admittedly I didn't buy it.

@MifuneT: the fact they're sitting on my couch?

@Jesse Jennings: because your chances of playing starcraft on the ps3 were so high to begin with.

Oh? What? They cut mahjong as well??! Damnit.

That is so mint.

That green dude is *amazing*. Anyone know what the deal is with him?

@Nihilexistentialist: I assumed those mental problems occurred as a result of what happened after that incident.

@Mcmole2: the refurbs are supposed to be better, but i know a few people with refurbs that have died too, multiple times.

Hmm.. I might be tempted to pick up a slim 360, if they reduce the noise level, include an internal power supply, and it's not prone to red rings.

@MightyCow: when you are in a hurry it can be amazingly hard to do without hitting people.

@elevenoverzero: i feel that car copying would do wonders for the pricing and features in cars. :p

@Mr.Be: I don't believe in used games these days, but to be fair the used game market is a sham. It's basically $5 less than full price. What's the point? You aren't really saving anything, and you are cheating the developer/publisher. I used to buy 2nd hand games because they used to be haf the price or less, and I

A lot of my answers didn't feel right. I used to pirate games when I was young and either couldn't afford them. It would be a sharing kind of thing. One of your friends would get a game and we'd all get a copy, much as when you bought one, you'd give them a copy. It seemed fair at the time, though at that age you are

They should have had these