Polite Society

@Aeros: and by that logic it should be a pentagon rather than a hex.

@Orionsaint: i would totally go see the movie if everyone started break dancing at the end.

@infinitezero: lol. I hope you mean LSD. Or are the kids dropping liquid crystals these days? :P

@ShaggE: Restarreded: Likewise, totally over the Johnny Depp show that Burton has been creating and recreating for many years now. He really just needs to break out of his own box that he's made for himself. Do something he wouldn't normally do, with actors he doesn't normally use, ones no one uses, and make

@Zippy The Space Cougar: he's been slowly getting worse with each film. Big Fish was the last decent film he's done, and he has never done anything as good as Beetlejuice. Though Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow were both servicable films.

@Manly_McBeeferton: you would get punched in the face? for what? wearing a t-shirt with sexualised images? by whom? militant feminists? you just have to swing the ironic thing and you're fine.

I've worn worse.

Is this a way they will be trying to reduce reselling of games? Give away the media that has this degradable demo on it, force people to unlock the game on their system, then if they resell it, it reverts back to the demo.

I never had any problems with Bill Murray's voice acting in the ghostbusters game. Loved every second of it.

That's numberwang.

I'm shocked, I actually thought it turned 10 last year. My bad. Happy 10th birthday, PS2!

@icarus212001: possibly because the content is not a reliable source?

Weren't there supposed to be flight of the conchords songs in this?

@cfive3: perhaps, but on the other hand i believe this is an untapped market for the porn industry.

@Desanvium: that's for the courts to decide.

@TRT-X: they don't have to be mutually exclusive...

I actually do find myself laughing quite a bit while playing god of war, because it's just so over the top. Surely i'm not alone?