Polite Society

Dead or Alive? Really? I wouldn't really consider it a Yakuza film. I agree about the ending though.

Cutscenes are the gravy on top of a delicious gameplay pie. Mmmm.


@spyderr0de0: then someone comes into the room and gives you $200 for eating the sandwich.

@Kicken: that depends on how it's processed, and what kind of box it's running on. I mean, objects in games are already 'true' 3d, so it's not like it has to render two different environments, just the same environment from two different points to create the illusion of depth. Though as it stands, it's alternating

Actually, you know what? For some reason, knowing there is a correctly rendered body under her clothes makes her more attractive, overall. Although I already found her very attractive.

Aah. Those big, brown eyes.

There was so much unrealised potential with this game. A sequel cannot help but be akin to AC2. ... i hope.

@ashlar: I wish they had done that.

@Knoxximus Kiryu: That PS3 has learned to operate without cables, and has broken all their backs in retaliation for playing bad party titles.

Is anyone finding their lost trophys are still gone?

@ReiAyanami4Ever: There are plenty of nonsensical reasons for not liking something, I agree. That is pretty silly, though on the other hand, I can also understand that it would also be irritating.

@JoRo1986: Informative! thank you. :) :) shame about the brawler though, I thought it looked promising.

*holds everyone's hands* So glad i finished Heavy Rain before this happened. I did start bioshock 2 this morning though, and got about 3 levels in and noticed.. hmm.. i haven't gotten a single trophy yet, that's a bit weird. It's annoying though, today is a public holiday, and it's too hot to do anything constructive.

I thought the creature design in Avatar had a very FF flair to it when I saw it at the cinema. Those bird things, and the panther things and the big rhino analogue were all very FF flavoured.

@jesushaswheels: whoa. they're up to 4 now? i haven't used my original intuos in a while now... I found I did better with a mouse and vector tools.

@HatchC2: heh. good old appartment issues. I used to get blamed for pretty much all the noise issues on my floor, sometimes even when i wasn't home.