Polite Society

Yay! Pikabent!

I really don't mind either way, as long as the story is written well enough.

@serotoninzero: @Mikatro: I've been reading about the Droid (called the Milestone outside the US). It all sounds pretty good, though I'm irrationally afraid of motorolla phones.

@AlucardsQuest: I'm not sure how it explains why it took so long. Because they had to port it from ps2 code? There were more than 3 FF games on the ps2. Is that what you mean? Admittedly only 2 *core* games, but there was X-2, and there was FF11 the mmo, and lets just ignore the 7 spinoffs and whatnot.

@Rachel Fogg: I was thinking the exact same thing. I actually really like the style of some of these shots.

I wonder how happy the Stefani crew is about this.

Still easily one of my all time favourite games. Which... come to think of it. I don't think I finished. I may have to fix that.

That looks incredibly shiny. Colour me interested.

@GregoriusH: ah, PS3 for me. no go. Never mind, i've finished it now, anyway.

@Dresan: @Chris Parnell: Ah!! my bad, I forgot about the hidden LOST significance stuff, despite the fact that's the point of the article. I'll just be over here *points*

@Ozymandias: I hate it as well, it's infuriating. It's a thing that's born from the ability to patch console games after release, not (generally) something that has been taken out of a retail release. I don't understand some people, in the older days the content just wouldn't have been there. It's not like game

@VincentGrey: That is definitely what is good in life.

Something else off topic i thought was quite fantastic. If you haven't seen it. Someone basically using technology to track down who stole their iPhone and get it back.

What Android phones are people using, and what experiences have they had, good or otherwise? I'll be renewing my contract shortly. I'm trying to decide if it's time to switch to a decent smart phone, or if i'm going to hold off for another two years. I refuse to get an iPhone.

I think i'm halfway between both camps. I'm turning 30 this year, grew up with a C64 instead of a nintendo, and switched to PC gaming in the early 90's. So while I played the original mario bros, and went around to friend's places for the early super mario bros series, it wasn't really part of my gaming base. The idea

@eviladrian: sometimes we have to pay up to $110.


@Polite Society: They should have had ultimate frisbee. Also, I never noticed that frisbee was a trademark. What's the actual name? disc hurl? :P

The second point really bothers me "Wuhu Island offers a dozen fun resort-themed activities. Four of them are archery, golf, wakeboarding and basketball. The other eight are table tennis, Frisbee®, Swordplay, cycling, canoeing, Power Cruising, Air Sports and bowling."