Polite Society

Thank you. I am feeling alot more confident that i'll be enjoying the sequel now.

@The Whaleman: Don't you think that perhaps they are called "Brick and Mortar Stores" because that's what the building is made out of, not what they are selling?

Do we have a round up of all the things we expected in 2009 that never made it?

@dracosummoner: I remember there was a toy dinosaur that was in love with some other character killed herself? (i think it was a girl - memory fuzzy) when the affection wasn't returned, by jumping off a high self. There were alot of weirdly dark themes in that game despite all the saccharine coating. Certainly made

@xzero: a woodchuck would chuck no amount of wood, for a woodchuck can't chuck wood.

Watch the flood of copy-cat blank games from everyone trying to make a buck in the next month or so, till they realise this sort of thing only works as a one-off.

@Dick Socrates: Some of us just don't grow up. :) I'm 29 and still love God of War. Admittedly the newest one feels a little stale...

@nukee: It's a good demo, but the gameplay feels a little dated to me, now. Maybe it's because it's really just the previous games with a new coat of paint. I guess that's not a bad thing, though.

@Kobun: Super-8 makes me think of Welle:Erdball. Odd german synthpop obsessed with vintage computers, super-8 and voltswagons. Just to keep up the stereotype. :P

@Polite Society: also, it might have been nice if it was more restrictive on the number of items you could use.

@Tevor_the_Third: I thought it might be better to have it give you challenges like say. "words beginning with the letter '...'" or "only use items that can be found in a kitchen" etc.

@dracosummoner: For me, it was in Chibi-robo, which dealt with surprisingly adult themes like homosexuality and suicide. I really didn't expect it at all. It's been a while though, so I don't remember all the details.

@—Core—: Good to see i'm not the only one. I pretty much never make representations of myself. I like making characters that look cute. I'm the last person I want to see. :P

Must be very hard to find games if you have to scroll through a list of 1200 games on an tiny lcd screen like that.

@The Last Amazing Grays: something like Eternal Darkness, that notices what things freak you out, and plays on that. Or turns up the creepy/weirdness level when you are feeling anxious.

@Kotakufan777: Absolutely. The thing with the non-linear story telling is that the various choices often feel very forced and hollow in the end anyway. I'd much rather have a well written linear story.

Whoa. I notice whoever wrote the article hasn't played any games since the 90's. Also I was hoping for something a bit more clever than the reasonings behind each. Oh well. That's the internet for you.