Police Public Call Box

The red liquid that Lydia dropped wasn't wine but it was still red liquid, right? How does that magically disappear? And how does that lead to the cognitive leap of there being a key inside?
Who is writing this show?

C- was generous.
The only highlights were Scott, Derek, Braeden and Lydia. And that's more for their performances than what they had to work with.
I do have to say that I actually enjoyed Ian Bohen's portrayal of Peter when he was being more understated in the interrogation room, but the hamminess returned quite

I definitely don't think Lorraine planned it as a kill list either. But it just piles on the huge plotholes - who programmed that 1970s computer by turning her list into the Dead Pool? They had to have used Lorraine's code, which Lydia couldn't even decode without a computer to do it for her. Is Meredith also a

Definitely was the first scene I could see Liam/Sprayberry as an interesting character. I've been completely underwhelmed by every other scene with him. Knowing he's a series regular next season, I hope they put more effort into the character.

Yeah. Jeff is good with creating interesting characters and flashy moments, but everything else is a huge mess.
I also feel the need to visit the Teen Wolf editing team and take away the slow-motion option away from them. It's ruined so many good scenes this season.
All this is giving Teen Wolf an 'all style, no

Yep, Vastra seemed to be the voice of Moffat in the episode and it fell completely flat for me. I know I'm going to enjoy every second of Capaldi's performance as the Doctor, but I hold no high hopes for having any love of the writing, or there being any cohesion to both the characters and the plot over the season.

Yep. But she's never been a main companion ala Amy and Clara. River also was never given any real dimension to her character.

It's yet another season of Teen Wolf where the writers enjoy writing heaps of build-up and then get bored with having to tie everything up. The entire Benefactor storyline does not hold up at all.
The review is completely spot-on that the only thing keeping Teen Wolf going is it's occasional character moments — which

You got it completely right - way too much like the Sherlock premiere. It's like Moffat is trying to appeal to the shallower side of the fandom who loves those little nods and will zealously defend every thing he does.
It also seems like Moffat was using Doctor Who to address the criticism of misogyny in Sherlock by

You're completely right. Clara was made to feel like a horrible person for needing moment to deal with having the person closest to her go through a huge change.
And yet the Doctor's questionable actions are always excused as he's going through the same change and is allowed the time in the narrative to process that

Loved Peter Capaldi as the Doctor.
Loved the writing of the show much less. The condescending tone that Vastra takes with Clara as to the older appearance of the Doctor was obviously directed at the audience. How dare we judge the Doctor by his looks?! Which, ultimately, I agree with, but hearing this after seeing

No. The official Teen Wolf tumblr has said they're just repeating Sunday's episode on Monday.

No, we've never found out about that. Or who created that huge bank vault that could hold werewolves in 3a, or how Braeden could magic a symbol on Allison and Lydia's arms, or how Cora was a child, survived the fire and disappeared. Or how Derek could communicate with his mother with her nails but can't be bothered