
Dear Squids,

Let's be honest, both patches on that hat are pretty damn sad.

You mean that Orlove wasn't driving?

Totally sounds like:

FWIW, that plate has been registered to a grey 4957cc (5.0L) Porsche since 1991. Jeremy also has a past history of choosing the 928 having done so for the "cheap Porsche" challenge.

Ahhh damnit. There was the line.... way back there.

Teams will have a maximum of 2:30 to change pitchers, with the clock starting as soon as the reliever enters the playing field.

This is the bevel drive out of my 63 Ducati Scrambler.

Meanwhile, in Northern America ...

Is..is...is that the net weight or the GROSS WEIGHT?

i'd rather have 1080 at 120fps than 4k at 30fps.

Hopefully he'll Seymour chances in the future.

Ford! Ranger! Here! Now!

Agreed. And I've never really been sold on HDC anyway, because isn't it just holding the brakes down a hill, the way I have done it for years when driving cars without it?