
It has been written, thus it is now so. Pi is everyone’s favorite irrational number. So sayeth the internet blog.

Just like Gozer the Gozarian, BB-8 is whatever it wants to be.

I’m pretty sure those are RealDolls. And if you’ll excuse me, I need to go pour bleach in my eyes.

When I read this, I heard it in James Doohan’s voice.

Maybe they will give it the Blade Runner treatment and put out a new version with an extra 17 seconds of footage every few years.

Dual antennas, liquid cooling. Very important details left out. And windows 10 mobile is still not complete.

Am I the only one who re-enacts this joke in front of people all the time, but often they miss the reference?

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You gotta love any post-apocalyptic Fallout shelter that takes the time to prepare educational cartoons on how to survive in the nuclear wasteland.

I think you forgot , the old

Vaults though, those are awesome.

“Hieroglyphs”, not hieroglyphics.

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Needs a Doof Warrior with the flamethrower Uke.

You will ride eternal, chibi and chrome!

So basically Mario Kart: Fury Road.

I am told it has a first name. It’s . . . . no. It is forbidden.

And his bowling partner, Sochek.

Mark Hamill as Luke Skkywalker