

Not that it makes it right.....the money will be in what people are willing to pay for. People are willing to pay for the sexual fantasies. Would they pay for an educational VR trip to the zoo? Maybe, but likely if it was 99 cents. Would they pay for a raunchy VR of a fantasy of twins with 50 different possible

Up here in Canada, we are raised being subjected to what are called "heritage minutes" on television every day. Most actually have higher production values than your average Canadian feature films.

AT-AT for the win! I think it embraces the concept the most accurately. Also, using the underside of the flat bricks as decorative pattern is ingenious.

Now I'm imagining William Shatner saying "Get your hands off me you damn dirty ape!" It is glorious.

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind." - Orange Catholic Bible (Dune Appendix)

Can it be both?

Is that a "BOO! This is how the robot apocalypse starts, people!" or a "YAY! This is how the robot apocalypse starts, people!" kind of statement?

This is how the robot apocalypse starts, people!

Sounds like Red Dwarf, more or less.

How about we refer this matter to out resident expert....

Wow, the Japanese have found the most useless need for VR. Unless the market for dudes jacking off to cartoons is really high over there.

Guns are fine, but don't mess with a bunch of magnets... that shit will kill you!!!!

You mean, if you shut your eyes and picture Earth?

Well, we know that God created all of it in 4004 BCE, so, really, there's no need to know anything else, amirite?

Dark energy, dark matter and now dark light... for all that we know, we really don't know jack shit.

G-Force/Battle of the Planets did it first.

Turn your hippie music down, ya damn dirty hipster, I'm trying to listen to Pink Floyd.

Technically you'd qualify as Gen Y.
