
I love how the kids rush out at 4:20 PM! That is hilarious. Their delirious laughter makes it all the better.

@BadJoJo: Same thoughts...it seems soooo pointless. Although compared to some of the other entries - I guess it will pass.

Someone def. got fired over this.

@James Matarrese: Click the pencil under your User Picture after you've posted a comment. That allows you to edit it, correcting mistakes you accidentally made.


When you could hear the bubble gum pop, i let out an audible "wwhhhaattttttt"

@Alpha-Leader: I would watch it but embedding has been disabled and I can't be bothered to click through.

Hitler's one of you - that's why

It will never be possible to become bored of zombies in the history of mankind. NEVER.

How very appropriate - I just went to late-night screening of Inception. Nothing better than discussing it after with a few buddies.

@das7002:I can't really tell if you're using more sarcasm to my sarcasm, or if you think I'm being serious.

@Chaim Chaikin: Oh so there are cables going up to the plane?

@Andrew Vance: Well I never said it was hot shit. I said it was hot tech (which it is) and people will go bat-shit over it. I guess if you're running words together it would work out as "bat-tech will be hot shit"

@Wirbelwind: Not sure the same reasons as Apple but I see your point. It's just that Nintendo markets the DS to kids and Old people, whereas Apple markets its products to - oh....wait a sec - It is like Apple!

@m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.: Oh don't get me wrong, I definitely (personally) dont see this as anything amazing, and def. NOT going bat-shit over it. I couldn't care less about this whole 3D fad - as far as I see it, it is just another way to get more money out of us.

@m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.: It's not going to come out with DSi prices are you crazy?! They would never do that in a bajillion years. This is hot tech and people are going to go bat-shit over this.