
@Ricorich196: Aha! Well that is insightful...and def. the reason this didn't get killed by the review.

@Symion: I did say - skimmed over. He gave that simple fact a short mention but it should be a whole paragraph dedicated to as it being the reason why nobody in their right mind should buy this TV. Instead it's half a sentence.

It could be worse, it could be a rental.

You skimmed over the biggest damning counter-argument for the purchase of this TV.

@minibeardeath: Yeah I'm with you on this one...Had me thinking - it's not replacing my TV...meaning screen. It's replacing cable basically. Or just being the set-top box of choice.

Whoah. That Google Chrome icon. I want it now.

@Vidit: Apple will also realise it cant just sit back and not add Cameras etc and just be "Apple" bc people will turn to other things. So they will def. add some killer features. It will be mint.

@jokool89: It's the cheapest one right now (seems like it). Second will be probably around the same price mark.

iPad2 is going to come out and blow this all to shame.

@redman042: At least make your house presentable.

Notifications would be handy.

@ianE: I'm with you on this one...I've been trying to get my head around miles for some time now but there arent any answers - anywhere.

Ok, am I the only one but pedo bear needs his own hunting grounds

btw it is realllllly hard to type when you are drunk. everything is slo-mo.

I have to tell you - nothing is nuttier than mel gibson on speed

No nanny no. Please no. Every time i hear nanny i think rape.

@pj_rage: From the original article:

My experience of eating out has in no way been ruined by Foursquare.

Wireless broadband internet in my basement man-cave. One day you can be a reality.