
No.2 & No.3 - Is it just me or are those long time buddies Gates and Jobs?! They would spend 15,000 on a bed for a few hours. Cheeky devils.

Count me in. I hate the creeping feeling that Google knows too much for its own good. If I can opt out of them knowing more and more about me than I will.

I read kick I think Inception...

I don't farm

It'll get censored by Apple itself when they realise there are low cut dresses and mini skirts in the App. Banhammer deployed.

first thought i had seeing that picture up there is - its the disney castle, derelict and abandoned...all sad and alone.

Eve's all like - Dude, try this shit out. It rocks man. Then Adam's all like - I aint no fool gurl, not touching that shiiit. And snakey's like - brah, brah - you should totally hit that, it'll rock your world. Do it man - 'effin dooo it! Adam's like - you guys, aight - I'm on it!

How about you put them into a lottery and when somebody wins said lottery, it will be the first time you can legitimately say - "You have won the Internets!"

@tj: I think what it means is from iTunes to your iPod/iPad, not to your iTunes. I thought that too at first. Not best example to give...

@treesloth: Arthur, King of the Britons. Good Sir knight, will you come with me to Camelot, and join us at the Round Table?

@headc4se: I guess we just build bridges out of both and then weigh the bridges

@Bruce_Wayne: Other things that jumped out at me, saying "hey - its a dream" was stuff like when Ken Watanabe appears out of nowhere when Dicaprio is running away. Dicaprio has this surprised look on this face like...where did you come from, how did you know? Random stuff like that happens in dreams all the time. Just

@MVorgitch: But you see, with this movie the whole point is that - a dream can be just as real as "reality". This is made explicit by Watanabe (soz can't remember his name in the movie) and Mal who are lost in limbo (and in my reading of it, Cobb as well). Limbo is reality to them - they forget that it is all a dream

@treesloth: I don't know, I think we should use the little pebbles that float.

It's a bit scary reading this. Just because I have to wrap my head around the sheer intelligence of the man and his scarily accurate prediction of the future world.

@FriarNurgle: I guess that's all I'm getting haha - It'll do. Wasn't expecting much of anything :)