
@Paradise: Don't like ponies too much...I'll try a bit harder for that star though - guess my comments need to be a bit more insightful to earn me that privilege

@MattAwesome: Thanks dude - I know all this :) Just a light-hearted attempt to get a star. Nothing serious - i wasn't actually expecting to get something out of it.

Dear Gizmodo,

@CCM333: In the village next to mine they have broadband and 3G. I'm literally a few streets outside coverage and the phone company can't be bothered to extend it just b/c of one house. Go figure. Most of Poland has 3G and broadband but its still crappy most times. I get minor depression when I'm there.

I think Giz is late to this party - this guide has been floatin' around for a considerable time.

@CCM333: Serious. My house is outside coverage. Consider yourself lucky!

@vinod1978: I'm in the US now so I'm reaping the rewards. When I get back home though, I'm looking at about 5 mins to load a page.

@aek8: Hot sticky messes.

@SmartedPander: Writing the comment I knew that by doing so I would be shunned into dishonour and denounced by the community. However, the truth must prevail.

Meanwhile...in rural Poland I hang my phone outside the window in the hope that, somehow, just maybe, I can latch onto the Edge network. When that happens, the internet on my mobile is faster than my dial-up modem. FML.

If they slapped this on as well it wouldnt come as a surprise:

@CaseyG: The greater good. It's all for the greater good. To appease the Giz Gods who put us mere mortals to the test. The shooting challenge test.

I sense a shooting Challenge.

Nice start to my day - thanks Mark!

@Thalantas: I dont know?! Where CAN it stops?!

Sounds like the title of a rap song gone wrong. "Vader Robbed A Bank" by MC CRAP

Hmmm...interesting. This has nothing to do with the so-called "AntennaGate" does it?

"Nick? Nick...Lee? Is that you?"

Well with great power (internet) comes great responsibility. Vast majority of people are idiots and not responsible.