
It is unfortunate that you can vote or post on websites.

Argh! Foisted upon my own petard! I got Ray and Pete crossed (the streams)!

I’ll never understand film fans who like sports...  

But that Snyder and his world impressed an actor of his experience and talent says a lot.”

This list is about 9 items too long. You don't need to remember anything about Aquaman because it actively resists being serious enough to remember anything about it. 

Oh no, you said the name of the star three times! 

I’m not a Snyder fan, so my reading of this headline is purely wishful thinking:

To me, the entire problem with the WB/DCEU is an unwillingness to put in the work doing world building and character development and just want to jump right to getting some Avengers money.

I’ve been saying for years that he desparately needs a co director. Someone who specializes in getting the movie from setpiece to setpiece, doing the character work, all the stuff he clearly doesnt like to do, and then letting ZS take over to film the action.

According to THR, the director has inklings of ideas that could get him back—“a true representation” of The Dark Knight Returns at DC

If only he’d stop making movies altogether.

Getting in, before everyone else:

“Sam! Sam! This is your cousin, MARVIN Bankman-Fried? You know that new fintech ponzi scheme that wipes out peoples’ savings that you’ve been looking for? Well, get a load of THIS!”

Given that “X” is pretty much universal shorthand for “closing a window”, Musk couldn’t have picked a more appropriate name.

Nice!  No lies detected.

Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure, Blow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, sure. But how many of you remember his hysterical stint as the conniving and crazy Andrew on Murphy Brown?

There will be a special memorial gathering of his fans in the basement of the Alamo.

That luscious tan! Those ruby lips! And hair so natural, only his undertaker knows for sure!
