
Just need to get Misha in there too.

I'll start my own smartphone! With blackjack and hookers!

Beat me to it. Madam Webb has no right to be anywhwere near this list. Give it 10 years at least...


Why don’t they ever bring back or remake good shows, like ‘BJ and the Bear.  Now there’s a concept I can’t get enough of, a man and his monkey.

i might get shit for saying this, but Bryan Fuller’s attempt wasnt that bad. it wasnt great dont get me wrong, but it was different. better than the straight up remake like Zombie kind of sorta tried to do.

You get a star for going one step further than I did. (A snapshot and post of the comment history).  Didn’t you know we all have open invites to Gizmodo offices to discuss these things face to face whenever we want? We’re cowards because we chose not to schlep to NY to disagree with a random stranger on the internet...

You keep repeating “Keyboard Coward” as if everyone lives two blocks from each other and could discuss things in person but chose to post a comment instead. 

You’re right, the word they should have used was “murderer”.

Mathew dude, you just got seriously dusted.  Give up and crawl back under the rock.

Says the psychopath defending another psychopath.

Executing a dog because it was inconvenient is not animal abuse? You sound just as deranged.

Bro you really broke your lurk to simp for this weird lady who spends all her time shooting animals at the construction site YOU KEYBOARD COWARD

Who let your useless troll ass out of the greys, bigot? Abort yourself.

It better be this!

The squid works because all the damage done couldn’t/wouldn’t be blamed on an earthly entity. With the film’s ending, there would always be the suspicion towards the U.S. because Manhattan spent so long working for America’s interests with things like Vietnam and his research.

Awful movie. Just awful. Likely Snyder’s worst. Think of worst action movie ever and you should be able to imagine the painfully stereotypical, hypersexualized, everyone is a master kung fu ninja pile of dog shit that this movie is. Please don’t watch it. 

I know you specified “theatrical movie” but this would’ve been the perfect moment to plug the absolutely amazing Palm Springs!

Oh, thank you. As a fellow grey myself (even though I’ve read the site since Annalee and Charlie Jane were here!), I didn’t know that would happen

The truck does have a censor for the front of the frunk’s door