
Exactly. And if XXXTiddledick was actually truly changing and trying to change. Like so many of you stans in the greys were so concerned about. That girl would not have had to get on go fund me to pay for her eye surgery. He would take that money and pay for it. And pay for her housing and therapy, education and what

None of this was new to me. I didn’t realize this was an issue. I also didn’t realize people were mixing wasabi in their soy sauce... is that actually a thing?

I think the most pointless thing to me is dipping the fish only in the soy sauce, not the rice. Like... what is the difference? Soy sauce is going to taste like

I’m so mad at OoT, and I’m not even the one suffering from the misfortune of being married to him.

I was never a huge fan of his, even back when he had a tv show. He was the weakest act from the Kings of Comedy. His whole act was just him saying the shit he’d say on his show, but with swears. I never like his tacky ass quadruple-breasted suits with the 16 buttons and more pockets than cargo pants.

Comey thought it was a practical joke at first, then when he found out it wasn’t, stayed to shake the hands of the employees he had been speaking to. Not a fan of Comey, but contrast the professionalism...

1.) CNN was reporting last night that nobody in the administration expected the political blowback that occurred 0.4 seconds after the country found out about Comey’s firing. HOW? Did they honestly think that we’d all go, “Oh. Yes. Trump is clearly firing him because he was mean to Hilz. Makes sense to me.” Nobody in

As a fake internet attorney, let me preemptively address the knotty legal arguments from those who would ask “What about his right to free speech?”: Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot

As a young newly out queer woman this had such a profound effect on myself and my friends. We had viewing parties for both the puppy episode and her Diane Saywer interview. My parents were havuing a very hard time with my sexuality and seeing Betty stand up for Ellen was soawesome.

Game Boy

New 3DS (normal size) isn’t Japan only. My kids have one each from black Friday when they were 99 USD.

It’s not like we haven’t seen these locales in dozens of other media platforms as well. A church in a small European town, Normandy on D-Day... I wish there was some originality here. Like perhaps you’re a French soldier and you fight as long as you can but ultimately lose or you’re a Nazi who has a change of heart

How fucking boring that looked. Like christ it’s basically a prettier looking Medal of Honor: Frontline with even less content than earlier titles like CoD 2 and 3.

I don’t think so. I’ve been pretty angry in all sorts of situations — even ones in which I get paid (a.k.a, my job) — where I just want to vent to the world. But using the N-word is still not among my repertoire even at my angriest. That might have been why he did it, maybe, but that’s still no excuse.

A word that only has the power to offend because black people are arrested at absurdly disproportionate rates, being blamed for being shot by officers who should be protecting them, being passed over for jobs they are qualified for solely because they have ‘black-sounding’ names, all acts often accompanied with the

“And I was in a Catholic high school! This was also happening with everyone my age then (~2009). It’s a phase some people kinda carry with them I guess.

British girl probably did that intentionally, tbh.

I eagerly await the “look, everyone’s done that” defense - no they fucking don’t. I am a white person and I assure you (not you specifically; “you” in the hypothetical sense) that I have never burst into racist screaming when with only other white people or when alone. Never.
When people say “everyone’s done it”

“Vaughn, a 28-year-old adult”

I mean, I guess it stands but it’s not related to the content of the article at all.