
Better to have it and have it be less than ideal than to not have it at all. the few times I've used the PS3 browser, it did everything I needed it too even if it was slow and clunky.

Dana is a tool. He tried to submarine a fighters career over the rights to his likeness in a video game. Big props to Jon Fitch for not backing down and doing the right thing when others would not.

If you give one more cent to Activision you are a fool.

@tandyman: Ghostbusters was his breakout movie? What about Caddyshack or Stripes? Were you even born when these movies came out?

I prefer my Valve games on the PC, but I'd love to see them put their games on the PS3 just to grow their audience. You can never have too many people playing L4D.

What a great way to kill PC gaming, make it so painful people are forced to game on consoles.

@InternetsUser: Oh yes a huge service, I suppose they are saving us from the terrorists as well.

@rodrigues124: Wow, the suits don't even need to trot out this tired excuse anymore, they have gamers doing it for them. So sad and so wrong.

@ThisCharmingMan: Sorry not for me. WoW went downhill dramatically once Blizzard merged with Activision. Blizzard now answers to Activision regardless of what they claim. Which mean more and more quick cashins like name changes, race changes, Refer-a-friend, everything that waters down what an MMO once was.

Fun game, but I'm no longer willing to give money to Activision. They turn everything they touch into feces.

Please feel free to abandon PSP development as long as you keep adding Remote Play to your PS3 titles.

Great change, the survivors always have the location advantage versus a tank. It's way too easy to force the tank to fight in an easy melee spot or be forced to lose the tank to lame AI.

Aren't most Live games P2P? Seems kind of strange to me.

@Evdor: Well said. The people who keep a person like this in office are responsible for the decisions the elected official makes. I shall continue to point my finger at them and ask "Why?"

I had the same experience when I played. Too many Destros, not enough Order. Who knew so many people would choose to play the evil badass looking faction over the elves and midgets? /sarcasm

Every person I kill will hear these final words, "So be it Jedi."

I like Uncharted. I like posting on Kotaku. This is the result of those two things.

That little thumbnail made me think that you could play as the Kool-Aid Man. :(

It would be even better if we could kill the people who just sit in the warcamp waiting for the queue over and over. Reduce the strength of the warcamp guards, flag those people and give us 10X XP for rolling in and nuking them.