
It’s like a 19-year-old dipshit watched American Psycho, discovered Patrick Bateman, and decided “That’s who I want to be when I grow up!”

I’ve written on these sites several times about my wife, a nurse, and how the best things I’ve been able to do to support her has been to scour the community begging and pleading for whatever PPE people are willing to donate for her and her team to be safe. Do you know which individuals have, by a ridiculous margin,

She had round cheeks because she was 20 and wider hips than Chris O’Donnell and Schumacher complained about it because some gay fellows are misogynists then there was some sort of logical leap to get from that to the press calling her fat.

Consistency is not a virtue in politics, it’s an impediment to progress. The reality behind Bernie’s soundbites about doing The Right Thing (often, but not always, in some archaic and irrelevant context) is that [neoliberal shill]’s vote for [now-unpopular piece of legislation] was not a simple act of bad behavior. As

Hey Jezebel,

I would like to plug into this dream, Inception-style.

I just hope he doesn’t name Elizabeth Warren, because she’s needed in the Senate. I’m hoping for Kamala Harris.

It all evens out though when you factor in the Chet Haze of it all. 

I’m the pedantic dude who needs to wade in here and point out that the problem with taking the Old Testament at face value is that it doesn’t come with the Talmud and the other legion of Jewish documents that operate as the Torah’s user-manuals. The Bible’s meets out a lot of death sentences, yeah, but everyone should

It’s fucking insane. And not taking it literally doesn’t negate your ability to believe in JC & God. Just try not to be an asshole. Don’t murder anyone. Give to charity and stop being so judgmental. I’m a super terrible Catholic and haven’t been to church since I got married but seriously, it blows my mind how these

What boggles about people who take the Bible literally is that the people who fucking wrote it don’t believe it to be literal. It would be like us reading 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea as a historical text even though it was written as fiction. All of the dudes that wrote the Bible stories just happened to get

I once had someone non-ironically tell me, “My pastor told me NOT to open my mind, because that’s how the devil gets in.” I managed not to ask her what if he’s in there and can’t get out.

Have any of these critics ever seen the wonderful annotated and illustrated Bibles and prayer books of the Middle Ages? Little kitty prints, weird imaginary animals (or imaginations of real animals), odd little people, even comments on the other monks ... So many cool things, usually done as a sign of love and

If you look at bibles that we’re made before the invention of the printing press, you’ll notice that they are full of hand-drawn doodles and embellishments. But as always, hell hath no fury like the uninvolved.

Really Kaitlyn at 11Alive news in Atlanta?! No other stories happening you could cover? Maybe how empty the food banks are this holiday season? Refugees first Christmas in America? How to get gifts for kids living in shelters? Ech.