
It looks like an average girl wearing a fashion “swimsuit” designed for highly above average women.

Conservatorship is in general, supposed to be used to protect someone from designing persons due to their inability to make sound decisions for themself. And it sounds like Britney is being preyed upon by a designing person named Jamie Spears. A salary? An office? Are you kidding me?

Not everyone in the #freebritney movement are into the conspiracies. Britneys brother, her mom, her boyfriend, her ex assistant, and lawyer have all spoken out about wanting Jamie out of the picture. Britneys lawyer also asked that Jamie be removed because she is scared of him and they no longer speak. There are facts

It may just be my experience, but I find grown men who use nicknames in formal settings to be more toxic than average. Especially if they are from the South. Maybe there’s a relationship between having a childish name and having a childish view on life in a place where white men don’t have to grow up.

I still can’t get over a 68-year-old man calling himself “Jamie”.

The man is a predator, simple as that. This is financial abuse, and he needs to face criminal litigation for this. He was part of the main reason she came very close to bankruptcy before and had to come out of retirement, qnd now he’s trying to bilk her out of millions. I think this is why she and her BF want to get

It’s so telling who we allow to “grow” and “learn” from past shitty behavior and who we don’t. This WOC made some shitty dumb tweets when she was a teenager, but Ted Danson did a literal minstrel show as an adult and we still love him on The Good Place. Kelly Osbourne implied the only people who clean toilets for a

This is gross. I’m as woke/SJW-y as the next far-lefty, but she was SEVENTEEN. Jesus christ. If she had put that stuff out when she was 27*, then sure...you’re a grown-ass adult by then and should know better. But call off the dogs for a few months and see if she’s grown. I was a goddamn idiot when I was 17.

Shit like this is why I think cancel culture is a thing and sucks. She was a dumbass when she was a teenager and said some awful things. she thus joins the club of every single fucking person on this planet who was an asshole at some point in their development. She just had the misfortune to be an asshole out loud.

I am infuriated that no one in the mainstream is pushing back on this narrative. He has a problem therefore someone else must die? If an alcoholic shot up a liquor store, would this be framed the same way? No of course not because it is complete nonsense but this reveals not only how deep of a connection there is

Raise your hand if you’re surprised the spokesman for the sheriff’s office recently shared racist “jokes” about the “China flu” online and the actual sheriff is a former Blackwater mercenary.

According to a survivor he was yelling about “killing all Asians” during it, so.

how about ‘since white men make up a disproportionate number of domestic terrorists, we’re taking away THEIR guns”

Oh look, cops giving excuses for a fellow mass murderer, who would have guessed!

How come the cops didn’t “fear for their lives” when dealing with this piece of shit the way they did over a cell phone or when someone was reaching for their license.

Can you imagine if they’d held this press conference and instead said things like “Everyone in the country knows that most violent crimes are committed by white men. We all have to accept that so long as society tolerates white men and their anger and toxic behavior, their thuggish behavior will go unchecked.”

What the actual fuck!?
Police spokesperson says ‘massage parlors were “a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate
I sometimes have an overwhelming temptation to eat too much cake but it has never crossed my mind to drive to 3 different bakeries and murder 8 bakers.

Here’s the thing: White people feel that if they are good of heart, not overtly discriminatory, and therefore “not racist” they can speak “honestly” about people of color (see Paula Deen). No, you can’t. I’m a white person. I DO NOT KNOW.  My duty is to see, witness, speak out and most times just shut the fuck up

I’m really happy for him, absolutely. However, his hair in the cover photo brings back traumatic middle school memories for me, of that awkward period riiiight at the start of puberty.

He’s not mocking the Chinese language, dipshit, he is mocking Chinese people. You know, like racists do.