
Man got me all hype WTF IS THIS BS

Which would make Earth a disease upon our galaxy, let alone our universe. I for one welcome this disorder.


This seems appropriate.

Very tempted to pick it up. However Keepa price tracker for Amazon says it was $18.69 back in May. Is this really the best deal?

Very tempted to pick it up. However Keepa price tracker for Amazon says it was $18.69 back in May. Is this really

Me too, but I just realized that an extra battery gives you 1 more charge, while the above mentioned power pack can give 6 or more depending on your phone... Doh!

Not for me it didn’t. Either phones need bigger batteries or this game needs to be wayyyy more optimized, because at this point the rate at which the battery drains with AR enabled is just painful to watch. Literally 1% every few seconds. I opted to turn AR-Off (thank goodness for that feature, I wonder why Nintendo