He does not deserve that dog
He does not deserve that dog
People, the NRA is not the last word on the second amendment. That’s all. Except I think anyone should be able to have all the 18th century muskets and gunpowder they want. Did you know it takes a really good shooter about thirty seconds to properly load and reload a musket? Meaning that a shooter could get maybe…
Or, instead of protesting, they should be learning CPR for the next time their friends are shot full of bullets?
There’s a tendency when something sinister or bigoted or icky is revealed for a certain segment of people to go “¯\_(ツ)_/¯, whacky old God, eh”.
Fucking hell. Calling this a code of conduct is a blatant attempt to mislead. It’s essentially a multipart legal waiver being disguised as a CoC.
“Players may not directly or indirectly endorse the playing or purchasing of any non-Activision Blizzard game in any manner, including by making any calls to purchase or making any statements which constitute endorsement.”
Problem is, there’s no objective minimum standard for “responsibility.” Nobody has to train, take a test, regularly refresh their skills, get certified or do much of anything before they can call themselves “responsible.”
The middle west?
I remember the one where he spends the whole episode claiming he’s a tough guy, Wendy takes him up on the fight offer, he tries to get out but then gets seven shades of shit beaten out of him by her.
In which case I’ll say that this film fails to pass that test.
This particular critique has honestly been the most disheartening thing I’ve heard so far.
Agreed. One of my complaints about the first Pacific Rim was that almost all of the battles took place in rainy darkness. The true test of your special effects team is to make that look convincing in broad daylight.
As the titular character of Samer 2, I can guarantee that it is the dankest gane around.
The World Cant
There are reports today that according to the onboard video the pedestrian appeared so quickly that no driver—human or robot—would have had the chance to react. This needs to be confirmed, but I think we need to withhold judgement.
I’d like to see the video and the toxicology report from the pedestrian.
Video from the car (referenced in another article) shows the person popping out from the darkness on the side of the street. Sources say it most likely wouldn’t have been avoidable regardless of who was driving (human or computer)