
true! it’s also just not very fun to play.

Now I kinda understand why people on my friend list were playing it for so long: they were waiting for the chance to actually play it.

While your concerns overall seem valid, I have one bone to pick.

well if he drove all the way home from LA then it would explain why he was so tired. Cops are always just assuming the worst

You are correct, but I’d still have to use the same tactic.

When the officer asked Tiger where he was coming from he probably should have come up with something a little more believable than golfing.

I think you need to re-read what happened there lol.

Recite the National Anthem Backwards is the most bullshit “sobriety test” ever. I am stone cold sober, have had my morning coffee, and couldn’t do this with out singing it at least once forward, then backing it out from there.

Officer: Do you understand what I’m asking you to do?

I am not familiar with US/Florida law, but can he still be charged for DUI even though it was prescription meds and probably not done on purpose? I understand people abuse prescription meds and should have the book thrown at them for driving impaired - but seems like he legitimately didn’t know.

That makes zero sense. None at all. You want a KID to fail because you simply don’t like their father? Check yourself, fam.

I think it’s unfair to the readers to mention the Deadspin Slack without actually posting screenshots of the conversations


I am stil a season late on Arrow, but I’ll say this - even when the show isn’t great, Stephen Amell always looks like he loves his role and show to bits. Maybe people who are more versed in the behind-the-scenes of Arrows can prove me wrong - maybe he is a Shatner-level prick on set - but I always get the impression

I think today you became the Angriest Geek.

The going theory is that Slade took them to the Argus prison to survive the blast


Black cookouts DO NOT do Volleyball.