Pokahontas McGuigan

and if she was creeped out then she should have blocked him, silence is ambiguous. at least if she blocked him it would be a clear indication he should leave her alone

silence dosent mean no, no means no

he looks like igor

they are just asking for the game to be pirated in other countries, why pay for a censored copy when you can illegally download the complete version

think they will come out with persona 6 for ps3 in 2015 japan?

yay i will buy it now!

clearly shes not obligated, since she wasnt nice about it, she should have tried to be nice one time at first out of good manners and then if he still persisted then go off on him for blatantly disrespecting her boundaries. the dude was a creep but dont go full bitch without trying to squash it politely first

all food is rotting in that sense

Stop being a dick you know this is at least the fourth rehash of the same article

"i really dont need the irrelevant constant updates. its("its" meaning the updates) not funny, interesting, or cool. its obnoxious." the last sentence was directed at the constant updates but it also coincidentally reflects my opinion of the "game"

people really dont get that i have a problem with this being an update rather than me bashing TPP. im bashing the fact that they keep talking about it when theres nothing left to be said

all im saying is that it dosent require more than one article if they arent gonna add any substance. this should be an update to the original article rather than a rehash of 4 other articles. its unnecessary and annoying and my opinion is valid, if they posted an article covering every specific new pokemon to X and Y

all im saying is that it dosent require more than one article if they arent gonna add any substance. this should be an update to the original article rather than a rehash of 4 other articles. its unnecessary and annoying and my opinion is valid, if they posted an article covering every specific new pokemon to X and Y

all im saying is that it dosent require more than one article if they arent gonna add any substance. this should be an update to the original article rather than a rehash of 4 other articles. its unnecessary and annoying and my opinion is valid, if they posted an article covering every specific new pokemon to X and Y

Omg a fan of the obnoxious post comments an obnoxious comment

the original article informing us of the existence of twitch plays pokemon was stupid enough but i get that i wont like every article the site posts. i really dont need the irrelevant constant updates. its not funny, interesting, or cool. its obnoxious

We've long been hearing rumors and reports of Thief's extended, torturous development, tales of scrapped ideas and a work environment derailed by office politics, where leadership was constantly in flux and creative direction was inconsistent at best. Over the course of the game's story, it's revealed that for


some damn good marketing

im sorry i think a journalist who gets paid to post articles should have to put 4 minutes of effort into their job. clearly youre wrong since my comment has over a hundred likes. meanwhile your greyed out comment says i like MLP because i ASKED that an article that says LIST in the headline be a LIST and not a VIDEO.